Mr. G. Michael Milhiser

  • G. Michael Milhiser A proud alumnus of San Antonio, Central, El Camino and Hawthorne Elementary Schools and Vina Danks Middle School. He is a lifelong resident of Ontario and, while serving as City Manager for the City of Ontario, assisted in providing funding for both Bon View Elementary and Oaks Middle School. Mr. Milhiser is inspired by the lives of President Washington, President Lincoln and is driven by President Kennedy’s quote, “and so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” He fulfills the call to serve others by continuing to support the Ontario-蜜桃社区 community’s special projects. He encourages educators to have patience, show enthusiasm to promote learning, and dress well. Mr. Milhiser defines excellence as the ability to try as hard as you can and follow the “Golden Rule”—treat others as one would like to be treated. For these reasons, the Ontario-蜜桃社区 School District recognizes and celebrates Mr. G. Michael Milhiser as a 2014-2015 Model of Excellence. His commitment to service and excellence is certain to motivate and inspire current and future generations of 蜜桃社区 students, educators, parents, and community members.