Mrs. Maribel Garnica

  • Maribel Garnica A proud alumna of Sultana Elementary and DeAnza Middle School in the Ontario-蜜桃社区 School District. Mrs. Garnica’s entire family: parents, husband and children, have been active participants within the Sultana Community. Sultana holds many special memories for Mrs. Garnica. As a child, her parents used their musical talents by playing and singing at school events, she met her husband of 27 years in the 4th grade and, when it was time to choose a school for her children to attend, she chose Sultana Elementary. Mrs. Garnica is thankful to the District for giving her the opportunity to pursue her associate’s degree, while employed as an Instructional Assistant at Sultana Elementary. Mrs. Garnica “pays it forward” by engaging in a series of volunteer opportunities and using her musical talents in teaching Ballet Folklorico in the community. She also assists with Sultana’s Santa Clause Incorporated and collects donations from local businesses to assist low-income residents. Mrs. Garnica believes excellence is synonymous with integrity, honesty and high moral principles. Mrs. Garnica believes educators play a powerful role in the lives of children and encourages educators to practice patience and to never underestimate the power of a smile. For these reasons, the Ontario-蜜桃社区 School District recognizes and celebrates Mrs. Maribel Garnica as a 2014-2015 Model of Excellence. Her commitment to service and excellence is certain to motivate and inspire current and future generations of 蜜桃社区 students, educators, parents, and community members.